
Six years ago today, I started what has been the most challenging and rewarding job of my life…
To my beautiful eldest daughter Miss A, Happy 6th Birthday.
You bring so much joy into our lives and such learnings. What patience you have taught me. I’ve learnt not to worry when you don’t do things when ‘the book’ says you should. You’ve shown me time and time again that you will reach those milestones – eating solids, writing your name, washing your hair without screaming, putting your head under water during swimming lessons, sewing with the right sides together, sleeping through the night (okay, we are actually still waiting for this!) – but always in your own time. Instead of worrying, I’ve learnt to be patient and to share your achievements and successes as they arise. At these times, I feel like the proudest Mum of all.
The steps of the dance are yours, and yours alone, and for this I give thanks. I love that at this young age you already have a very sound sense of self and purpose.
It also warms my heart when I see how much you adore your younger sister. How you hug and kiss each other with smiles from ear to ear at school pick-up everyday. It’s like you’ve been apart for months, not hours. I loved hearing from your teacher last week how you talk about your sister all day every day, how you tell her random little things about Miss B and what you’ve done together.
I cherish our crafting time together. I love that you have your own sewing machine set up next to mine, your own fabric stash, and your own firm ideas about what you want to make and how to go about it. You don’t like to be shown, you like to experiment, to learn from your mistakes. I love our little Saturday fabric shopping trips. I value your opinion and like how you challenge me in my fabric selection – Mummy (or Anna as you usually call me!) do you really need all of that?
You are a special girl and I am so proud to be your Mum. I love you to the moon and back a gazillon times.