I want to wear the dress you made me Mummy…

When asked what she wanted to wear today Miss B said, “I want to wear the dress you made me Mummy.” Such music to my ears.
Miss B selection was the Cupcake Dress from the Make It Perfect book. It’s quick to sew and comfortable to wear.
I’ve made several of these dresses lately (they make great presents) and choosing the three pieces of material to match the purchased t-shirt takes me more time than the sewing! I wonder if that has anything to do with my out of control fabric stash?
Music to my ears! My daughter says it less and less the older she gets but isn’t it wonderful to hear. Not surprising though… it is a very pretty dress. 🙂
Thanks ooobop. I don’t look forward to the day my girls start refusing to wear what I make them. In some ways it inspires to me get sewing…
I’m not half surprised – it’s a really gorgeous, red-delicious dress.