My top 5 of 2012

Here are my five favourite selfish sewing/machine knitting makes of 2012. Please keep in mind I’ve only included blogged items (four months worth of things!).
Number 1 – Doublet Redux. I wear this ALL the time. It just seems to go with everything in my wardrobe. I even wore it over a RTW silk shift dress to a fancy dinner with some girl friends before Christmas.
Number 2 – Vintage Simplicity 5547. This top has been on high rotation. The style, fabric (colours and print) and cut fit so well with my life. Must make another one soon.
Numbers 3 & 4 – These two new additions that haven’t had a chance to be worn much, but I foresee that they will be active members of my wardrobe! My Scout Woven Tee and my Japanese Smock Blouse.
Number 5 – Mustard Maize Linen Lily Dress. This dress was the first thing I made myself that I was REALLY proud of. It the extra jolt I needed to start this blog. Although only worn twice, I have a great fondness for it. A sleeveless version should appear early in 2013! I do feel a 2013 ‘to do’ list won’t be far away.
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments, words of wisdom and honest feedback. I love our supportive online sewing community and I feel blessed to be part of it.
All look great..especially that gorgeous dress….definitely something to be very proud of!
It’s interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone say they don’t love their scout woven tee.
I love the colour of your No.1 it’s gorgeous!
Definitely all gorgeous makes 🙂
I like that mustard dress too. Both the colour and way the style suits you so well.